"Conscious physical training is using the visible to mold the invisible."
-Dan Millman

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back in the swing...sort of

Well folks, the kid had himself a vasectomy.  I know, I know, too much information right?  I felt that way in the beginning, like I really did not want to tell people about it, that it would be a hand better played close to the chest.  After all, we live in a culture where there is tremendous social pressure to grow up, get married, and then start having children and lots of debt.  I have done at least one of those things, I have married.  My wife and I decided that we enjoy our freedom, and struggle for more freedom, more than the biological and social imperative to reproduce.  We also decided that her continuing to take hormone filled birth control pills was not really in line with our goal of living a more healthy lifestyle.  So I sucked up my fear, went to the doctor and had a vasectomy.  And now I am telling you about it because...well I guess in a certain sense I am proud of it.

First off let me tell you that all the stuff you hear about a vasectomy not being that painful and having a quick recovery time...neither of those things was true in my case.  I am sure there are some lucky guys out there that did not experience much pain or discomfort but I am not one of them.  The procedure itself was not painful, but the two shots in the testicles before the procedure hurt like a son of a bitch!  And the recovery....well I am almost 3 weeks into the recovery and it hurt.  The past 2 1/2 weeks have felt like I was recovering from getting kicked in the balls by the Incredible Hulk.

I have not been able to really workout.  I have done a few workouts over the 3 weeks but after each one I was back on the sofa with ice packs between my legs.  This past Friday was the first time I have been able to participate in a typical CrossFit WOD without painful repercussions.  As someone who loves the physical arts, being sidelined for approximately 3 weeks has not been an easy thing.  Guys like us do not really enjoy sitting around too much.  I have been so eacger to get back into the swing of things and it felt GREAT to be able to enjoy a workout with relatively little pain.  I am not back 100% yet but I am feeling like I am getting close.

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